
陽台變菜園 My 2nd AP system at balcony


好不容易歷經先前又濕又冷的氣候後,幾乎所有的植物都趁著前一陣子的大好天氣放肆地發芽、結果。可是說也奇怪,我們家的小黃瓜竟然不用經過爬藤就直接開花結果了! 而茄子更是驚人,才剛長大就等不及開花並迫不急待地結起果實。不知是"魚菜共生"系統的魔力?還是我們家陽台特殊的磁場不同(沒有直射的陽光)?讓這些蔬果會有異於常態的生長。

The plants at my balcony grow up very well, there's no direct sunshine and no other nutrien added. Maybe it's because of the strange weather recently. (We just went through a very cold ang rainy winter,some said, they never experienced such kind of the winter in 50 year in Taiwan!)

盛開的茄子花! Eggplant flower

有點營養不良的苦瓜... balsam pear

拼命開花的紅甜椒! Red Pepper

已開花結果的番茄! Tomato

長不到15公分就開始開花的小黃瓜 The cucumber grows only 15cm and start to bear fruit


正常生長的絲瓜 sponge cucumber

只開花不長葉的九層塔 Chinese herb

不可思議的茄子! Amazing Eggplant

植物生長的大功臣: 快樂健康的魚! The fish is happy and healthy!

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